
Friday, May 15, 2020

WTE: As the state opens for business, churches have a role

All three COVID-19 orders from Wyoming’s department of health were updated last week. For the first time since the beginning of the crisis restrictions, were eased. But there was no mention of churches.

In fact, from the first health order to the present, houses of worship have never been mentioned. This omission is no accident. Despite pressure both to restrict and to exempt churches specifically, Governor Gordon has adamantly remained silent.

However, a direct question about the status of churches was asked at the April 28 press conference. This forced the issue. Still, rather than address the question himself, Gordon deferred to Dr. Alexia Harrist, the state health officer.

Harrist answered. “You have all seen the orders, that there is nothing specifically addressing churches or other places of worship—although certainly order number two, which limits gatherings to less than ten, does apply to all types of situations, including religious gatherings.” Even without using the word “church,” this answer seemed to break the silence.

Immediately, the governor followed up by emphasizing that he has always emphasized personal responsibility over any “shelter in place” orders. He said, “we continue to convey that same sense of responsibility to our faith leaders to make sure that they don’t put their congregations in any kind of peril.”

Anyone looking for a clear word on the subject was left unsatisfied. Shouldn’t the opening of businesses that involve physical touch (hair, nail and massage establishments) mean that worship restrictions are likewise eased? If not, why not?

When these questions persisted, the governor arranged a teleconference with pastors around the state. After a brief opening statement, he allowed ample time for clarifying questions. The discussion helped us to appreciate the extremely fine line that he is walking.

The specter of death hovers before us. Emotions are raw and the long-term stakes to America’s economy and Constitution are extremely high. In this atmosphere, the governor must not only protect the citizens of Wyoming, but be perceived as protecting them. This is played out on a stage where there are wildly different opinions about what this should look like.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Bill Barr is publicly saying that the Constitution is not suspended in times of crisis, and has directed his department to “be on the lookout” for coronavirus orders that violate it. He has also filed two Statements of Interest in cases where church worship was restricted.

These considerations are behind Governor Gordon’s omission of churches from his health orders. The state can advise churches on healthy practices but cannot forbid the free exercise of religion. This explains why the governor put such stress on personal responsibility.

I believe his emphasis is well-placed. Every pastor I know feels as protective of his congregation as he does of his own family. Not one of them would willingly imperil a single soul. This concern naturally leads them to inform themselves on physical precautions—especially for their most vulnerable members.

As a leader of the Wyoming Pastors Network, I can assure the governor that churches share his deep concern not only for the wellbeing of members, but for every citizen.

Religious leaders are also eager to honor and respect authority. They believe that God Himself has placed people in government in order to facilitate our life together. People like Dr. Harrist, who are helping Wyoming to move forward responsibly, are gifts from God. They and their wisdom are received with thanksgiving.

From that foundation of respect and love, the churches of Wyoming are in a unique position to help lead Wyoming through the process of reopening. During this process, there will be thousands of discretionary details that will fall to individual citizens, businesses and churches. Churches should warn against the temptation to demonize those who decide differently.

They can also lead by example. Churches, like all communities, are not all the same. Hollywood’s depiction of congregants sitting shoulder-to-shoulder is rarely realistic. More often there are a few dozen people sitting in a sanctuary that could seat ten times more.

Most of Wyoming’s churches, can comply with CDC safety protocols without breaking a sweat. Others can implement the guidelines with less draconian adjustments than the cancellation of in-person services.

Governor Gordon has granted specific exemptions for health care—both physical and mental—and has given protocols to help them serve people safely. He has every reason to believe that these same protocols can guide churches as well.

Some will find that these guidelines enable them to re-establish worship quickly. Others will keep congregants out of their buildings for a while longer. Each has a unique situation and a different set of concerns.

Community-mindedness made Wyoming one of the safest states during the crisis. The same love and respect should characterize our reopening.

Also published in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle on May 8, 2020.

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