
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Federalist: How The Supreme Court Made It Easier To Smear People As Racists And Scream The F-Word In Public


Instead of protecting true free speech, we’ve crushed the speech that matters most: the articulation and testing of the truth.

For the first time since Thomas Jefferson, Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited nonsensical and irrelevant ad hominem attacks to be both spoken on the floor of the House and to be entered into the permanent congressional record. Sadly, her invitation was eagerly accepted. Freshman Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., called President Trump “a white supremacist president,” and “white supremacist-in-chief,” while Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., called him “racist-in-chief.”

How did we get to this disgraceful state of affairs? The answer goes back to 1942.

Continue reading on the Federalist.

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