
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thee Federalist: Basic Human Decency Shouldn’t Be Political, But It Is

 Many simple things have become so politicized that many ordinary, decent people are culturally conditioned to ignore anything and everything that might call ethics into question.

After a two-year investigation, the Department of Justice recently announced charges against 15 people who trafficked in eagle body parts.

U.S. Attorney Randy Seiler …described one operation as basically a ‘chop-shop for eagles’ in which eagle feathers were stuffed into garbage bags. He said it was clear that it was a moneymaking operation and that the feathers and eagle parts such as talons and beaks were treated as merchandise. ‘There was no cultural sensitivity. There was no spirituality,’ Seiler said. ‘There was no tradition in the manner in which these defendants handled these birds.’

 Continue reading on the Federalist.

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